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Ressources – Resources – Risorse

French courses on-line via Skype

Italian courses on-line via Skype

You are attending  Italian or French courses and you want to practice or maintain your level between the lessons with your teacher? The online resources are exactly what you need! A good teacher in languages knows that, to improve the level in a foreign language, 15 minutes of practice every day are more effective than 3 hours a week in one shot. All you need is a little bit of motivation and an Internet connexion. Online resources are free and you will quickly see your improvement.
Follow my suggestions, try these useful on-line ressources to practice French & Italian languages between the lessons with your teacher: you will find news, fun activities such as singing or cinema, e-books, interactive exercises… I also teach Italian and French to children and adults during fun cooking lessons!

French and Italian language are at your fingertips: what are you waiting to start?

Éditions Obsidiane SECOUSSE  Online review of French literature To learn Italian, French, English and more for free with online lessons Online dictionary and games very useful to learn languages while having fun!

Radio Australia. French news 24H to listen and to read

Apprendre le français avec Le Cinéma Français Learning French watching French films Learning French singing French songs Learning French reading the French literature

Wanna Learn French

Formation FLE (Français Langue Etrangère) : a free online course (MOOC) in French language dedicated to foreigners

Les meilleures chaînes Youtube pour apprendre le français: Learn french on Youtube

La boîte à FLE  free online french ressources

Word Lingua to learn and practice french

TICs en FLE free online french ressources

France Bienvenue conversations in french

Test online your knowledge in french

Magazine LCFF  French Language and Culture in an online magazine

Apprendre le français avec TV5 Monde: vidéo, games and workshop to test and improve your french!

Ma France French video courses for post beginners with BBC

Franç –  To learn French, but also Italian, English and more for free with online lessons

TV 5 – France Click on “Enseigner le français” or “Apprendre le français” on the left hand side of the web page. Include a dictionary

Radio France Internationalie – France A French newspaper for intermediate levels

Wheaton College (USA) Collection of French Poetry

University of Texas at Austin French, Italian and more Language web site

Open Learn Language courses online

French at Hong Kong University

Oh La La – I Speak French

BBC French, Italian and 33 more other languages to learn online for free!  France official website

Fetes et traditions francaises French culture and traditional events to celebrate Official Website of the French Tourism office A fun and easy way to practice your French. Download the lessons and listen to them on your IPod. A network of French people around the world

Que vous soyez étrangers avec un niveau de Français avancé ou Français avec le désir de vous entraîner dans la langue de Molière, cette application du Club Richelieu de Valenciennes, gratuite et très utile, est faite pour vous!

Some useful Tips:

English to French words easy to translate

English to French words easy to translate

English to French words easy to translate

English to French words easy to translate


Post written by Serafina Loggia, Graduate in Foreign, Applied Languages (Italian, French and English), working as freelance translator, Interpreter and trainer in languages since 2010.

“I teach French & Italian to children and adults. In France, I collaborate with important language Schools such as InLingua, AST Language Services and Adiscos. During my experience I have noticed that, to improve a level in a foreign language,  activities and demonstrations are more efficient than reading books and doing written exercises. In my courses, I mostly use the method called “immersion”, which combine the use of the languages with demonstrations and fun activities (here an example). I believe that communicating and sharing knowledge and experience is the easiest and quick way to efficiently learn a foreign language”.


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